Welcome all! Thanks for visiting my website. Just wanted to touch base and let everyone know that I have a new EP titled, “Broken Picture Wheel” coming out this summer. The new album will have five all new and original songs and a cover. There are six cuts and about twenty minutes of music. Plus all of my previous full length records are now available via bandcamp where you can get each song or whole album both digitally and physically direct from me. For those of you who know me, I’ve always been a live artist and thrived off of pedaling music in person with a smile and a handshake. Alas! My Luddite tendencies have given way to moving around the country the last several years. Now I feel fairly settled in the great working city of Chicago. So I want everyone that enjoys my musical musings to have access no matter where you are or where I am unable to be. That said, I do plan to get back out ‘n about during the summers to perform again soon. Okay, that’s all I have to report. I hope everyone is well and preparing for the best summer in recent memory. Go out and support local art!